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Grant money for GTS!!

The sending organization (CTEN) of the founders (Tim and Sara Born) received funding that was made available to their missionaries for projects to be used to further their ministries. $5000 would be granted every month for 2014 for this purpose. Applications were to be submitted for the various projects which would be voted on by an independant board.

One of our goals and vision for Grace Tait Shelter (GTS) is for it to become much more self reliant. If, for whatever reason, the monies from the U.S. were to stop or be greatly reduced we want this ministry to be able to continue to minister to these orphans. With this in mind we submitted applications for 3 projects. We are beyond excited that all 3 of these grants were approved.

1). $1100 which we are using to put in solar lights.

         - this will greatly reduce the expenditure we have for gas for the generator

         - this will provide lights for the children to study by in the evenings

2). $1400 which will be used to put up a fence around the property

        - this will keep the cattle from trampling newly planted trees and out of the gardens

        - a portion will also be used to plant new trees for fire wood and fruit

        - another portion will be used to create a composting area to produce some of our own fertilzer

3). $1677 which will be used for various animal husbandry projects

        - this will help GTS to produce some of their own food so that we can make the monies that come in go further

We are so grateful for these grants and are looking forward to completing these projects.

God is a faithful God.....He is moving this orphanage closer and closer to full restoration!

In His Service -- Sara

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