Virginia Grace Tait (known as Auntie Grace by her friends) began her mission work in Peru at the age of 27. She served in several South American countries. She returned home to the U.S. for a brief period to care for her mother who passed away in 1991 at the age of 100. Shortly afterwards Grace returned to the mission field, this time to Equatorial Guinea and finally coming to Cameroon. She used her teaching skills to teach English. In 2006 she saw her lifelong dream of adopting and raising orphans come to pass. She put her life savings towards a building in the village of Bossa which is where Grace Tait Shelter got its start. The orphanage was run from her teaching pension. Soon after she founded GTS, she fell ill, suffering from dementia, glaucoma and other health issues. In Dec. of 2011 this precious woman went home to be with her Lord and Savior. As it happens sometimes in Cameroon certain individuals took advantage of Auntie Graces' situation to pilfer her pension money putting the ministry in a dire situation. At that time another ministry (Bread for Life) stepped in to help "clean up" the situation, bring the property back up to standard, and raise sponsorships for the children since Grace's pension money was no longer there to run the ministry. A missionary stepped in for about 1 1/2 years. He made hard decisions...sending many of the orphans back into bad situations because of lack of funding. This missionary has since gone on to what he had originally come to Cameroon to do, and the monies again began to dwindle. It was at this time that the government office of Social Affairs (who oversees orphanages) thought that they were going to have to close this orphanage and turn over all of the land and buildings to the village. Social Affairs was 2 hours away from a meeting where they were going to do just that when Tim Born walked through their doors. "Your here! We thought you had already gone back to America! Can you help with Grace Tait Shelter?". And so began the start of Hope Filled Futures connection with and oversight of GTS. As a ministry we decided to help so that the vision that Auntie Grace had poured her heart and life savings into could continue. Now with Hope Filled Futures GTS has become a "Station of Hope". GTS used to have about 50 children and several widows. In 2014 when HFF stepped in it had a Cameroonian husband and wife caring for the 14 remaining orphans. There was very little funding, a few donations and a small farm. They were in a very desperate situation. We spent years building up its support base and rescuing more orphans. When the civil war began it became too dangerous to remain in the village. In 2018 we made the difficult decision to move the children into the town of Bamenda. The main house we are renting is too small for all of our children. We are in the process of buying and developing a 2-acre piece of land in the middle of town so we can have everyone together in one place again. We consider it a "God thing" that Tim walked into the government office on that particular day. Won't you consider sponsoring a child so we can better meet the needs of the children living at GTS.
If you wish to help meet the needs of GTS children you can mail checks or set up your billpay to:
Hope Filled Futures
PO 236342
Cocoa, FL 32923
or give via Paypal:
If you want to give via debit/credit card click on the button below then click on add/change funds to let us know where you want your donation to go to: we have partnered with Servant Keeper to provide a way to securely give online or you can contact us at:
321-536-2320 and we can set that up for you.